The administrative aspects of Old First Nursery School are run entirely by the parents. Our Head Teacher/Director of Education and our Assistant Teacher are the only full-time paid employees of the school. (We also utilize the services of a housekeeping professional and a professional Educational Consultant on an as-needed basis.)We are run through the process of direct democracy and all OFNS families share equal responsibility for the governance of the school. Each family is required to send one parent to the monthly business meetings that are held on Monday evenings in co-op members’ homes. These meetings consist of enjoying refreshments, listening to the teachers' report (as communicated by the Parent-Teacher Liaison), hearing from each committee, and discussing and voting on current issues. Any member can submit an item for the agenda to the Program Coordinator. 

We strive to create a friendly, supportive, welcoming, inclusive and cooperative community of families. We highly value diversity in our community and extend a warm welcome to families of all backgrounds and structures.